At Emtisquare, we've discovered something interesting. Some clients, young entrepreneurs and even young designers have difficulty understanding the difference between logo, visual identity and brand strategy. Because those terms are linked with building the brand, it's important to know and understand the difference. Each of these terms plays a critical role in brand development. So, here we highlight the facts you should know.

The logo (or logotype) is a visual identifier. Its purpose is to connect the viewer with the brand. It triggers the recognition effect. It also reminds the viewer of previous experiences with the brand. And not just that. Logo gives a first impression to the viewer who sees the brand for the first time. There are many "types" of logo. The basic types are:
- Logo Mark (example: Mastercard or Apple) - The highest stage of recognition and the brand name is not necessary
- Logo Type (example: Studijo) - There is no Logo Mark because the typographic name is the logo
- Combo (example: Orsus grupa) - Combination of the logo mark and the brand name.
Visual Identity
The visual identity is a set of specially defined graphic elements, rules and guidelines. Basically, it helps the brand to tell its story in a consistent way. This includes all variations of the logo and how/when to use them. It also contains the brand colours, typography and layout. Sometimes it shows the examples of creative expression and even more. Visual identity can have separate guidelines for different types of use. For example, it can contain separate guidelines for print and digital materials.
Brand Strategy
Brand strategy is the core of any brand. It sets the “big picture”. After all, it defines the brand's purpose, vision, values, target audience, look & feel, tone of voice and more. It is the foundation of the long-term goals. The general pillars of the brands should stay the same for the longer period of time. It doesn't mean that brands can't evolve. But it's important that the change is gradual and the adaptation over the time is smooth.
In conclusion and in terms of the scope, logo is just one part of the visual identity. And visual identity is just one part of the brand strategy.